Welcome to pyADCP’s documentation!

pyADCP is a set of classes to deal with large amount of ADCP data stored in MySQL database.

  • Contact: chauvet[att]ipgp[ddot]fr
  • Licence: GPL. This is a free software, feel free to modify and submit improvements.

Different python files are involved in this project:

  • libADCP.py the core library containing the following classes.

    1. River class

      The main class that contains functions to get data from MySQL and many useful functions to process data.

    2. Section class

      A class to deal with many fix measurements in a cross-section. The aim is to load many measurements (many River class) and work on all of them.

    3. Threader class

      To make request uses multi-threading (used by Section class)

    4. Adcp_Sql_Parser

      To create grouped SQL request to improve speed.

  • libImportADCP.py the library to read generic ASCII files from WinRiver and parse them to a sql file

  • Importer.py terminal interface to libImportADCP for importing WinRIVER ASCII files to MySQL.

A quick example

With localhost database and user = ADCP and password = ADCP.

#Add path to library
import sys

#import libraries
from pylab import *
from libADCP import *

#Create a new object river for measurement id number 10 with data reference mode BT = Bottom Track
river = River(idriverin=11,mode='BT',usa='ADCP',pasa='ADCP')

#Load Data
#VM magnitude component
#DEPTH depth of cells
#TDMG travel meet good


#Add bottom to the plot

#set limites


Indices and tables