Welcome to pyADCP’s documentation!¶
pyADCP is a set of classes to deal with large amount of ADCP data stored in MySQL database.
- Contact: chauvet[att]ipgp[ddot]fr
- Licence: GPL. This is a free software, feel free to modify and submit improvements.
Different python files are involved in this project:
libADCP.py the core library containing the following classes.
River class
The main class that contains functions to get data from MySQL and many useful functions to process data.
Section class
A class to deal with many fix measurements in a cross-section. The aim is to load many measurements (many River class) and work on all of them.
Threader class
To make request uses multi-threading (used by Section class)
To create grouped SQL request to improve speed.
libImportADCP.py the library to read generic ASCII files from WinRiver and parse them to a sql file
Importer.py terminal interface to libImportADCP for importing WinRIVER ASCII files to MySQL.
A quick example¶
With localhost database and user = ADCP and password = ADCP.
#Add path to library
import sys
#import libraries
from pylab import *
from libADCP import *
#Create a new object river for measurement id number 10 with data reference mode BT = Bottom Track
river = River(idriverin=11,mode='BT',usa='ADCP',pasa='ADCP')
#Load Data
#VM magnitude component
#DEPTH depth of cells
#TDMG travel meet good
#Add bottom to the plot
#set limites