
Include code in your presentation.

Code coloration is managed by Pygments


This module is in very draft stage !!!

from beampy import *

# Remove quiet=True to get beampy compilation outputs
doc = document(quiet=True)

with slide('A small python code'):
    c = code("""
    from pylab import *

    n = range(10)

    plot(n, n*random.rand(), 'ko')

    for i in range(10):

    """, width=500)


Module arguments

class beampy.code(codetext, x=’center’, y=’auto’, width=None, language=None, size=‘14px’)

Add highlighted code syntax to your presentation. This module require pygments.

  • codetext (string) – Text of the code source to include.
  • x (int or float or {'center', 'auto'} or str, optional) – Horizontal position for the code (the default is ‘center’). See positioning system of Beampy.
  • y (int or float or {'center', 'auto'} or str, optional) – Vertical position for the code (the default is ‘auto’). See positioning system of Beampy.
  • width (string, optional) – Width of the code (the default is document._width). The value is given as string with a unit accepted by svg syntax.
  • language (string or None, optional) – Language of the source code (the default value is None, which implies that the language is guessed by pygments). See pygments language for available ones.
  • size (string, optional) – Font size used to render the source code (the default is ‘14px’).


This module is in very draft stage !!!

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery