New Beampy module


This tutorial is a Draft! And provide minimum informations to intrepid developers.

Check files in ./beampy/modules/ folder. Especially check the “beampy_module” class in file beampy/modules/

A Beampy module is a class that inherit from beampy_module class.

Base module source code

from beampy.modules.core import beampy_module

class my_module(beampy_module):

    def __init__(self, content, your_args, **kwargs):

         # Args need to be defined in the theme file (default_theme in static folder)
         # in the theme file the key should have the same name of the module
         # to document._data list with 'type', 'content', 'args' and 'render' keys

         self.type = 'svg' # or 'html'

         #Add the extra args defined in the theme

         #Add locally defined arg
         self.your_args = your_args
         self.args['your_args'] = your_args

         #Register the content
         self.content = content

         #Register your module

    def render( self ):
         # You have to define this function to transform your content to svg or html

         # Now you have to translate datatin into svg syntax (or html, if args['type'] == 'html')
         svgout = "<g> My svg output %s </g>"%self.content
         width = my_svg_width
         height = my_svg_height

         # You need to update the size of your element in order to place it correctly
         self.update_size(width, height)

         # For an svg you need to update the svgout variable
         self.svgout = svgout

         # For html
         # self.htmlout = ""

         self.rendered = True # Turn the rendered flag to true for cache system

Test your module

from beampy import *

from my_module import *

doc = document()

with slide('Test my new module'):
    my_module("data needed by my module")
